It is often claimed anarchism is a modern movement originally put forward by the French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in the 19th century. The movement, it is said, consists of chaos-seeking brutes who wish nothing but to destroy and cause suffering. The view of anarchism is in this sense often a Hobbesian state of nature rather than an attractive theory of social organization.
That is however not what anarchism is about; actually, this image has nothing to do with anarchism (but it does sadly have to do with some people calling themselves anarchists). The image of anarchism as chaos is simply utterly wrong.
Contrary to this scurrilous portrait, anarchism is a peaceful tradition of thought with its roots in ancient philosophy. Anarchism as a philosophical ideal was advocated in Ancient Greece by the stoic philosopher Zeno of Citium, and anarchist tendencies are prominent in e.g. Taoism, a theory developed in Ancient China.
But anarchism as an influential theoretical framework of ideas comes much later, at least when considering the vast array of literature produced during the last two centuries. Many of these books are available digitally and for free on the Internet, while others can be bought in any bookstore. Still others have been out of print for ages and are almost impossible to find.
In this section of Anarchism.net we have collected a great library of books in anarchist thought. Some of the books are published on the site, while others are presented as links to other web sites (these books are tagged with an "external site" icon). We are continuously working on enlarging the library, so make sure to check back in soon again.
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Anarchism.net Library
Andrews, Stephen Pearl | The Science of Society |
Bakunin, Mikhail | God and the State |
| What Is Authority?  |
Fuerle, Richard D. | Natural Rights: A New Theory  |
| The Pure Logic of Choice  |
Godwin, William | An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Political Justice and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness  |
Goldman, Emma | Anarchism: What it Really Stands For |
Greene, William B. | Mutual Banking: Showing the Radical Deficiency of the Present Circulating Medium, and the Advantages of a Free Currency |
Konkin III, Samuel Edward | The New Libertarian Manifesto |
Kropotkin, Piotr | Anarchism |
| Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal  |
Mackay, John Henry | Dear Tucker: The Letters from John Henry Mackay to Benjamin R. Tucker  |
de Molinari, Gustave | The Production of Security  |
Nock, Albert Jay | Our Enemy, The State  |
Oppenheimer, Franz | The State  |
Owen, W.C. | Anarchism versus Socialism |
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph | What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government  |
Rothbard, Murray N. | Anatomy of the State: What the State Is Not  |
| The Ethics of Liberty  |
| For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto  |
| Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market  |
Spencer, Herbert | The Great Political Superstition  |
| The Right to Ignore the State  |
Spooner, Lysander | No Treason VI. The Constitution of No Authority |
| Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty  |
Stirner, Max | The Ego and His Own  |
Stone, Matt | On the Steppes of Central Asia |
Thoreau, Henry D. | Civil Disobedience |
Tucker, Benjamin R. | Individual Liberty  |
| State Socialism and Anarchism |
Warren, Josiah | Manifesto |